In an earlier post I mentioned wanting to try out Tabata intervals for a short workout on regular days of the week. I successfully completed my first full week. I worked out every morning Monday through Friday doing the 15 minute Tabata workout I outlined before. The first couple of days were rough, but I was already noticing an improvement by day 3. This week I'm starting to intersperse different workouts (concentrating on arms, shoulders, abs, or whatever I feel needs work) on Tues and Thurs, while keeping the full body workout on the Mon, Wed, and Fri.
Ironically, I missed both of my usual judo workouts last week (sick wife on one day, a sick washing machine on the other). So last night was my first night back after a week off, which usually means I'm going to feel very crappy the next day. However, I felt great for almost the whole class (I got a little tired after the 3rd or 4th randori session at the end) and I still got up early this morning and did my workout. I also feel like I'm less tired at work and a little more alert. I'm not contributing all of this to my specific workout so much as the fact that I'm getting up and doing something to get my blood pumping each morning.
Hopefully I can keep this new trend going and not let it peter out like some of my past attempts. It's certainly manageable and even enjoyable. Who knows, I may even be in great shape for tournament season (for once). Maybe I'll even attack my diet next, eliminating fried foods, sugars, and starchy foods............Nah. I'm a southern boy and I need my fried foods ;-)